In little over one day I am on my way to Toronto to curate Peter Lewis' latest collection. I am a bag of nerves. God bless me on my mission to have fun and sell all the art! Besides all this I am trying to finish a painting. This picture is after the 2nd sitting. One more to finish it... can she do it?!
While volunteering for Art Smart here in St. John's, for my six year old's french immersion grade one class, I found myself in complete awe of Newfoundland artist Margaret Ryan. She was leading this first time art lesson for the students and had all of those little faces completely enthralled. She said, "Learning to draw, is learning to... " All the students shouted in unison, "SEE!!". Wow, what a wonderful art teacher and I couldn't help thinking of how many future artists were born there in that room on that day! It made me think of the powerful artistic influences of my youth and that one day, I would give back to the young and hopefully inspire the hearts of future Newfoundland Artists like Mrs. Ryan does! |
About J.J.Visual Artist and Curator in St. John's Newfoundland Archives
May 2017